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Vagally Better®

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1. I’m finding it harder to manage the stress in my life
2. I’m impatient with work colleagues
3. I find it hard to unwind and relax in the evening
4. After work, I tend to be more impatient/short tempered with my spouse, children or flatmates
5. It takes me longer than it should to fall asleep
6. I have a feeling of being overwhelmed by work and/or social/family engagements
7. I am feeling less fit and strong
8. My heart rate remains elevated for longer than I expect after physical exertion, such as climbing the stairs
9. I continue to experience shortness of breath for longer than I expect after physical exertion, such as climbing stairs
10. I feel tightness of breath for no reason
11. I get tingling in parts of my face or body
12. When I breath I feel as though I cannot get enough oxygen
13. I notice irregular heart beats
14. After exercise, I feel it is taking me longer to recover my energy
15. I get minor headaches throughout the day
16. I get headaches in the evening
17. If I don’t drink frequently, I feel a dryness in my mouth and throat
18. I get dry coughs
19. I get goose bumps, even when it’s not cold
20. Minor changes in temperature bother me
21. I find it difficult adjusting to changes in light and illumination
22. I experience Indigestion after lunch while at work
23. I experience indigestion after dinner in the evenings after work
24. I find it hard to engage in conversation while eating a meal
25. After meals I feel bloated
26. I begin feeling nauseous for no apparent reason
27. I increasingly suffer from more minor colds, coughs or similar illnesses
28. At the end of the day, I have swelling in parts of my body or joints - such as the face, feet, ankles, knees, hips, fingers or wrists.
29. I get hot and cold flushes
30. I hear a ringing in my ear


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