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Vagally Better®

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Feel 10 Years Younger With Improved Vagal Tone

Natural Methods to Try

There are several natural methods to activate your Vagus Nerve. Here are some simple suggestions
Yoga Breathing


Yoga is not just great exercise for the body but also very effective for the mind. The breathing control works the vagus nerve.`


When we gargle water the throat muscle activity naturally stimulates both branches of the vagus nerve in the laryngeal branches. Use salty water for an additional anti-bacterial benefit.

Gargling to Activate Vagus Nerve
Laughter Best Medicine


Laughter really can be a great medicine. When we laugh – I mean really laugh, we exercise our vagus nerve  from the belly up.

Cold Showers

Cold showers are an excellent way to restore lost vagal tone. It doesn’t need to be the whole shower – just hit yourself with cold for at least 1 minute at the start, middle or end.

Cold Shower Vagal Response
Deliberate Breathing

Deliberate Breathing

Slow, deep, belly breathing is an indicator of rest and a great way to activate the vagus nerve. Practice deliberate breathing when you have a few minutes to spare.

Chanting & Humming

Chanting involves activity of the laryngeal muscle which will in turn activate the vagus nerve. The tone of the chant or hum will determine the frequency of stimulation – with the Hindu chant “om” considered godly.

Vagal Chanting
Extreme Cold Vagus Nerve Activation

Extreme Cold Dip

Now that you are accustomed to cold showers it’s time for an extreme cold dip. If you can condition your body to breathe through this, your vagus nerve will become very strong.

Ear Massage

Gently massaging the tragus and cymba conchae areas of the ear can trigger a mild vagus nerve response.

Vagus Ear Massage

New Technology Method

If you are looking for a faster and easier (and warmer) method of Vagus Nerve Stimulation then consider trying a tVNS Stimulator