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Last updated on July 16th, 2024 at 09:59 pm

What is Vasovagal Syncope?

Syncope is a sudden loss of consciousness resulting from a transient decrease in the blood supply to the brain, leading to the loss of consciousness. Reflex syncope is the medical term for the type of syncope that occurs due to the vasovagal system reacting to something, such as the sight of blood or strong emotion. Most people who suffer from vasovagal syncope have a prodrome, a brief period of symptoms preceding their loss of consciousness. Some symptoms of the prodrome include dizziness, fainting or lightheadedness, a feeling of being hot or chilly, pallor and nausea, sweating; palpitations; hazy vision, as well as bad hearing or hearing weird sounds.

An episode of vasovagal syncope is characterized by a sharp drop in blood pressure and heart rate followed by passing out or fainting. It’s the most common sort of reflex syncope, which occurs for reasons that you can’t control. Because it’s caused by variables affecting the heart and the brain, it’s also known as neurocardiogenic syncope (NCS). When it comes to Vasovagal syncope, there is no need for treatment. You may, however, hurt yourself during a vasovagal syncope episode. Your doctor may conduct testing for more serious reasons for fainting, such as heart disease.

This article will cover the symptoms, causes, complications, diagnosis, and treatment for vasovagal syncope.

What causes vasovagal syncope?

Every part of your body has nerves that influence the rate at which your heart beats. They also help to keep your blood pressure in check by adjusting the diameter of your arteries and veins. They normally function together to ensure that your brain receives enough oxygen-rich blood at all times. When your blood vessels abruptly open wide and your blood pressure drops, your brain and body can get their messages mixed up. This is especially true if you are experiencing an allergic reaction. Slower heart rate and lower blood pressure work together to lessen blood flow to the brain. This is the reason you pass out.

Parasympathetic nervous system activity in response to specific emotional or environmental triggers causes benign vasovagal syncope(1). Typically, vasovagal syncope episodes occur after standing for a prolonged period of time; they can be triggered by fasting, dehydration, being in crowded or excessively warm environments, or following stressful events, like seeing blood and needles. Although it is not clear why, however exposure to these stimuli causes a vasovagal reflex, characterized by heart rate reduction and peripheral blood vessel dilation. As a result, the brain’s oxygen supply is reduced, leading to a loss of consciousness and a decrease in blood pressure.

Syncope can also be caused by orthostatic hypotension, which is a drop in blood pressure that occurs when someone stands up suddenly after lying down or sitting for a long time. If you’re standing up, your blood pressure will drop since your lower body veins aren’t constricting as quickly as they should be. When the delay occurs due to blood pooling in leg veins, less blood returns to the heart, causing a reduction in cardiac output and blood pressure.

The major causes of vasovagal syncope are these:

Tpes of reflex syncope

Two major types of reflex syncope are similar to vasovagal syncope. The main difference is the causes are easier to identify.

  1. Carotid sinus syndrome: It’s more common in males who are 50 and older than in younger guys. When pressure is applied to the neck, this reaction causes you to pass out (2). It might happen while shaving, wearing a tight collar, or turning your neck in a certain way.
  2. Situational syncope: Syncope that is predictable and occurs during certain activities or circumstances falls under this category. passing out during a bowel movement, coughing, or swallowing are all examples of this type of syncope that can occur in the course of daily activities (3).

What are the symptoms of vasovagal syncope?

Whether you’re standing or sitting, vasovagal syncope is more likely to occur. If you’re lying down, it’s extremely uncommon. Having your blood drawn is one of the most typical triggers. You’re most likely to experience symptoms in the immediate aftermath of a vasovagal syncope. Prodrome (rhymes with “dome”) is a term for this time, which is more common in the elder people. Detecting the early signs of vasovagal syncope can be a powerful preventative measure.

There are a number of warning signs that appear 30-60 seconds before an attack, including the following:

Once an attack starts, the following symptoms can appear:

Once you come to, you’ll usually recover quickly (in about 20 to 30 seconds). Confusion or disorientation either doesn’t happen, or they don’t last longer than 30 seconds. The following may also occur:

How serious is vasovagal syncope?

Vasovagal syncope is rarely life-threatening on its own. Your body has a built-in reflex that causes this problem. It’s either too strong or occurring at the wrong time.
Accidents can occur if you fall or if you’re doing something dangerous at the time of passing out. Keep in mind that a wide range of life-threatening diseases can also cause fainting. You need to find out what caused you to faint or rule out a more serious issue if you don’t have a history of passing out.

Who is at risk for vasovagal syncope?

As many as one in three people will suffer from vasovagal syncope at some point in their lives. Vasovagal syncope is responsible for around 85% of all episodes of passing out or fainting in people under the age of 40 (4). It accounts for nearly half of all instances in the elderly. Vasovagal syncope is rare in those with autonomic nervous system abnormalities such as Parkinson’s disease. That’s because their nervous system isn’t working properly because of their condition.

What are the possible complications of vasovagal syncope?

While vasovagal syncope might be uncomfortable, it generally poses no health risks. Fainting can be dangerous, especially if it occurs while driving. The vast majority of people with occasional episodes of vasovagal syncope are able to drive safely. Your doctor may advise against driving if you have uncontrolled chronic syncope. For those who faint without warning signals, this is more likely to occur. Do what your doctor tells you to do.

How can it be diagnosed?

A physical examination is frequently the first step in making the diagnosis of vasovagal syncope. As part of the examination, your doctor will check your vital signs, including your heart rate and blood pressure. You may also be given a neck massage to check whether that causes you to faint.

In addition, your doctor may order a series of tests to rule out other possible causes of your fainting, including heart-related issues. These tests may include:

What are the treatment methods for vasovagal syncope?

Treatment is rarely essential in cases of vasovagal syncope. To avoid fainting, your doctor may be able to assist you in determining what causes you to faint and how to avoid it. Vasovagal syncope is a common occurrence, but if it disrupts your daily life, your doctor may recommend one or more of the following treatments:

Doctors may try orthostatic training if these medications fail. A tilt table is used to progressively increase the amount of time spent upright.

Can vasovagal syncope be prevented?

When attempting to avoid a vasovagal syncope, it is important to avoid any potential triggers, such as standing for a long time or seeing blood, as well as consuming plenty of fluids to maintain an acceptable blood volume. Vasovagal syncope may not be entirely preventable, but you may be able to reduce the number of times you faint. In order to avoid a full-blown fainting spell, it is possible to recognize the prodrome of syncope and lay down on the floor. Last but not least, people who have had many episodes of syncope may be helped by taking medicine such as mineralocorticoids (such as fludrocortisone) and vasoconstrictors (such as disopyramide or midodrine), or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (e.g., fluoxetine). However, the effectiveness of these drugs differs from person to person.


Vasovagal syncope is a non-life-threatening condition that occurs when the heart rate and blood pressure fall as a result of specific stimuli (e.g., the sight of blood). Vasovagal syncope is diagnosed by conducting a medical history and physical examination and an ECG to rule out cardiogenic syncope. Positioning a person on the ground with their legs slightly elevated ensures that blood returns to the brain in the event of an acute syncope episode. In order to avoid the onset of vasovagal syncope, it is important to avoid any potential trigger factors as well as drink lots of fluids.

Vasovagal syncope is the most prevalent reason for fainting. In most cases, fainting isn’t an indication of an underlying health issue, but it’s always a good idea to see your doctor to rule out any possible causes. You may be able to prevent fainting spells and avoid injury if you learn to identify your triggers. If you’ve never experienced a fainting episode before or haven’t had one in the past and you suddenly experience one, you should contact your doctor right once. Get emergency medical attention if you pass out and injure your head, if you have problems breathing or chest pains, or if you have trouble speaking before or after you pass out.



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